Are you our difference maker


Alias: Help for Els and Evi
Alias: Junior Marketer


SOLTECH | Production

SOLTECH makes solar panels.

But not ordinary solar panels!
Actually, we should say:
SOLTECH can make a solar panel out of almost anything.
Van gevels, ramen, dakpannen, de capeau van een auto, het dak van een bushokje, fietspaden en betontegels… tot geluidswanden langs de autostrades.

We integrate solar cells into materials – in buildings (BIPV), in means of transport (VIPV), in products (PIPV) and in infrastructure (IIPV).
In this way, every object that we may give a touch of SOLTECH becomes
a source of energy.

Difference makers

Are you looking for a job with impact? Do you want to be part of a team that produces products that make a difference every day?
Are you the person who wants to literally put your energy into a wide variety of projects?

Then be sure to read on!

Are you the Marketing Miracle we are looking for?

Working at SOLTECH, is working towards a brighter future.
Want alles wat we bouwen, laten we bijdragen aan een betere wereld.
Geen greenwashing.
Geen praatjes.
Gewoon een mooi en eerlijk verhaal.
And that story, you get to tell.
In our own(sensible) way.

Your marketing tasks

Setting up campaigns

  • Spotting opportunities and getting excited about them
  • Creating out of the box campaigns for those specific opportunities
  • High-quality execution and follow-up of those campaigns


  • Invite
  • Organizing (venue, catering, scripts, briefings, dressing…)
  • Making presentations, providing samples…
  • Build-up, build-down
  • Represent

Content Marketing

  • Creating content for the website
  • Creating content for social media
  • Organize photography, request photos of reference projects

Your sales duties

  • Commercialize emails from our engineers / make them customer friendly
  • Prepare quotations based on supplied info from the engineers
  • Follow up on quotations
  • Collect customer questions, group them together, chase answers internally and communicate to customers
  • Preparing presentation materials

Your strategic tasks

  • Depending on your interest in strategic marketing, strategic assignments may be among the possibilities.

Here’s what we offer

All the clichés … you can expect the same with us: a competitive salary, a nice working atmosphere, working in day shift.
We offer a full-time position with a permanent contract.

Contributing to a sustainable society is very nice, but you don’t pay the bills with that.
We are happy to discuss terms based on your profile.


This is what we are looking for

Initially, we ask for commitment and motivation.
That’s it!
We provide in-house training that will make you an expert in the field of integrated solar cells.

So if you feel like working, throwing yourself into a job with impact and learning every day, you are the m/f/x we are looking for.

How to apply.

Have we made you curious?
Call Els: 0472 55 23 80
Email Els:


And not a little.
From 7 to 35 in a year.
With a rapid increase after the summer.

Really BIG!

And yes!
Growing is exciting.
And yes!
Growing feels incredibly good at the same time.
Our original team and our new employees: together they give fireworks! Together, they make a difference. Incredibly beautiful to see what our people are capable of.

And we are still growing.
But right now it hurts.
Too much pain.
And too much is never good.

So we're still looking for people.


If we can welcome you to our team, you are signing on for change.
Not just because you are working on and with a technology that is helping to change the world.
Technology itself is also constantly changing.

Moreover, big things are about to happen.
We built a new factory.
Recently, we moved to Genk.
A new factory obviously brings change.
We continue to reinvent ourselves.
We continue to strive for optimization of processes and products.
Only in this way can we secure our added value compared to standard solutions.


SOLTECH is not standard in anything.
And we are proud of that.
Even though we have been around for more than 30 years, we work like a start-up.
With us, there are no job profiles.
With us, we talk about "roles.

Each has his role.
Or even multiple roles. A role is a collection of tasks that are your responsibility. Therefore, you do not perform them alone.
But you are ultimately the one responsible for the results.

We look at your capabilities and use them optimally in such a way that you not only create but also get energy from your work.


Projects with a touch of SOLTECH

Raf Van Hulle’s solar bike

Raf Van Hulle’s solar bike

In 2018, Raf won with his solar bike Sun Trip, an international race for solar bikes from Lyon to China.
In 2021, the eco-adventurer will come out with a new, improved model.
A wind barrel with solar cells provides less resistance and additional solar energy.
A clever piece of R&D with unseen potential.

read more

Your project full of energy

Whatever your project, Soltech puts energy into it.
Stand alone or building integrated.
With “a touch of SOLTECH,” your project too will be a sustainable reference of its kind in no time.