Energise things
Energise the future
Make the future light and bright
Aesthetically bright,
But also brighter for our children
Because everything we create
Everything we build
We can let it sparkle
We can let it shine
We can make it contribute
Contribute to a better world

Your Project Charged with Energy

Europe is clear. By 2050, the European union should emit zero net greenhouse gases. The climate plan of the European commission marks a new era with a widespread implementation of innovative climate technologies.

SOLTECH is ready. We are a Belgian company dedicated to the production and applied innovation of Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV). Since 1989, our people have been interpreting BIPV-related issues into technically and economically viable projects.

Whatever your project, Soltech will charge it with energy. Stand alone or connected to the grid. With ‘A Touch of Soltech’ your project swiftly becomes a sustainable reference in its field.

Raf Van Hulle’s solar bike

In 2018 Raf participated with his solar bike in an international solar bike race ‘Sun Trip’, cycling from Lyon to China. And, he won! In 2021, the eco-adventurer will launch a new, improved bike model.

Jahra Court Complex

Manufacturing and supply of high-end photovoltaic sunshades, engineering and commissioning.

Water Campus Leeuwarden

Manufacturing and supply of insulated photovoltaic glass as well as engineering, DC connections,
testing and commissioning.

MFO Erasmus University

Manufacturing and supply of insulated photovoltaic glass as well as engineering, DC connections, testing and commissioning.

Recreation center Bellegarde

Manufacturing and supply of laminated photovoltaic sun shade.

Marcel Pagnol school

Manufacturing and supply of insulated photovoltaic glass. Roof application.

Hurks de Brand

Manufacturing and supply of laminated photovoltaic sun shade as well as engineering and supply of all system components.

Canopy Mortsel

Manufacturing and supply of laminated photovoltaic glass as well as the engineering, installation work, the connection to the grid, testing and commissioning.


Manufacturing and supply of insulated photovoltaic glass as well as the installation work, connection to the grid, testing and commissioning.

Carreau du Temple

Manufacturing and supply of bomb blast insulated photovoltaic glass as well as the engineering and the supply of all system components.

Research & Development

SOLTECH breathes R&D. Our highly experienced team is steeped in an innovative culture that we deploy in two fields. Firstly, for our clients, we develop solutions for the most diverse projects. Secondly, for laboratories, our engineers turn research into real-life applications.



We were pioneers in 1989, and we still are today. Moreover, in the future we will focus even more on pushing the boundaries in every area of BIPV. SOLTECH’ s story has one recurring constant: partners and clients who work with us dare to take that extra step to achieve exceptional results.


The driving force behind SOLTECH is a consortium of six industrial and financial partners, more particularly Bas van de Kreeke, AGC, Hegge, LRM, Nuhma and RSQ Investors. Under the leadership of serial entrepreneur Bas van de Kreeke, the promising company will get a new boost.

in the spotlight

Your Project Charged with Energy

Whatever your project, Soltech will charge it with energy. Stand alone or connected to the grid. With ‘a touch of Soltech’ your project swiftly becomes a sustainable reference in its field.