The use of the soltech.be website (the “Website”) is subject to the terms of use set forth below.
Use of the Website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
The latter are subject to change: the applicable conditions are those in force at the time of each connection.
The Website belongs to SOLTECH with its registered office in Genk and with company number 0768.654.526 (hereinafter referred to as “We” or the “Company”).


We put a great deal of effort into our Website.
Despite these efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information on the Website is completely true, accurate and current.
This data can therefore only be used as general information.
Nor can we be held liable for (in)direct damages resulting from the use of the Website or on the basis of information made available through the Website.
The Website may contain third-party files or hyperlinks or other references to third-party websites.
Under no circumstances shall our Company be liable for these.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to modify, amend or supplement the content of the Website at any time.
The Company reserves the right to use personal data of customers also to promote similar products or services as a purchase made.


The use of the Website does not grant the user any intellectual property rights.
The contents of the Website and the information made available belong to the exclusive intellectual property of the Company.
The information that can be consulted on the Website, its design, texts, drawings, photographs, data, logos, brands and other elements displayed are protected by trademark law and/or copyright law and/or other regulations in force, and may not be reproduced in any form and by any means whatsoever.
Any infringement will give rise to legal action.


1. Introduction

We are committed to the secure, transparent and confidential collection and processing of your personal data.
In particular, we want to protect the data of our customers, subcontractors and suppliers, among others, from loss, leaks, errors, unauthorized access or unlawful processing.
to secure, transparent and confidential collection and processing of the personal data of its employees.

By communicating your personal data, you expressly declare that you are aware of this Data Protection Notice and also expressly agree to it, as well as to the processing itself.

2. Scope

This Data Protection Notice relates to all services provided by us and in general to all activities we perform.

3. Controller and its commitments.

The organization is the controller of your personal data.
When collecting and processing your personal data, we respect Belgian regulations on the protection of personal data, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) as of its entry into force on May 25, 2018.

4. Personal data

According to your activities and your relationship with our company, you will provide us with the following personal data: your identity and contact details (name, title, address, e-mail address, telephone and cell phone number).
For certain specific legal obligations (electronic attendance recording), you may provide us with additional data to record your attendance (such as E-ID data).

We kindly remind you that you are responsible for all the data you provide to us and that we trust its accuracy.
Should your data no longer be up-to-date, please notify us by return.
You are not obliged to communicate your personal data, but you understand that the provision of certain services or cooperation becomes difficult or impossible if you do not consent to its collection and processing.

5. Processing purposes and legal basis.

Customer data

As part of our services and operations, we collect and process the identity and contact information of our clients and customers, their staff, employees, appointees and other useful contacts, record call notes and create acquisition records.
The purposes for this processing are the performance of agreements with our clients, client management, accounting and direct marketing activities such as sending promotional or commercial information.
The legal grounds are performance of the agreement, fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations (such as, for example, the 30bis declaration of works) and/or our legitimate interest.

Details of suppliers and subcontractors

We collect and process the identity and contact details of our suppliers and subcontractors, as well as their subcontractor(s) (if any), their staff, employees, appointees and other useful contacts, make assessment reports under ISO 9001 and process data on ISO 17025.
The purposes of these processing operations are the performance of this agreement, management of suppliers/subcontractors, accounting and direct marketing activities such as sending promotional or commercial information.
The legal grounds are the performance of the agreement, the fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations (such as, for example, the mandatory electronic attendance registration, the 30bis declaration of works, the attendance list or other obligations in public contracts, etc.) and/or our legitimate interest (such as for direct marketing).
For electronic attendance registration, E-ID data or the Limo number are also processed where applicable.
For direct marketing activities by e-mail (such as a newsletter or invitation to events), consent will always be requested and can also be withdrawn at any time.

Staff data

We process the personal data of our employees as part of our personnel management and payroll processes.
Given its specific nature, this processing is regulated more comprehensively in an Employee Data Protection Policy.

Other data

In addition to the data of customers, suppliers/subcontractors and personnel, we also process personal data of others, such as potential new customers/prospects, useful contacts within our industry, network contacts, expert contacts, etc.
The purposes of this processing are in the interest of our operations, direct marketing and public relations.
The legal basis is our legitimate interest or in some cases the performance of a contract.

6. Duration of processing.

Personal data will be kept and processed by us for a period necessary in function of the purposes of the processing and in function of the relationship (contractual or otherwise) we have with you.

Customer data and data of suppliers or subcontractors will be deleted from our systems in any case after a period of ten years after the termination of the contract or project, except with regard to such personal data that we are required to keep for a longer period of time on the basis of specific legislation or in the case of an ongoing dispute for which the personal data is still necessary.

7. Rights

In accordance and under the terms of Belgian privacy legislation and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, we inform you that you have the following rights:

– Right of access and inspection: you have the right to acquaint yourself, free of charge, with the data we hold about you and to find out what it is used for.
– Right to rectification: you have the right to obtain rectification (correction) of your incorrect personal data, as well as to complete incomplete personal data.

– Right to data erasure or restriction: you have the right to request us to erase or restrict the processing of your personal data in the circumstances and under the conditions stipulated by the General Data Protection Regulation.
We may refuse the data erasure or restriction of any personal data necessary for us to carry out a legal obligation, the performance of the contract or our legitimate interest, and for as long as this data is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

– Right to data portability: you have the right to obtain the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable form.
You have the right to transfer this data to another data controller.
– Right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.
However, please note that you cannot object to the processing of personal data that is necessary for us to carry out a legal obligation, the performance of the contract or our legitimate interest, and for as long as this data is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

– Right to withdraw consent: If the processing of personal data is based on prior consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent.
These personal data will then only continue to be processed if we have another legal basis for doing so.

– Automatic decisions and profiling: we confirm that the processing of personal data does not involve profiling and that you will not be subject to fully automated decisions.

You may exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting SOLTECH.
We make every effort to handle your personal data in a careful and legitimate manner in accordance with the applicable regulations.
If, nevertheless, you believe that your rights have been violated and your concerns have not been addressed within our company, you are free to file a complaint with: Commission for the Protection of Privacy Rue du Printing Press 35, 1000 Brussels Tel.
02 274 48 00 Fax.
02 274 48 35 4 E-mail: commission@privacycommission.be You may additionally address a court if you believe that you would suffer damage as a result of the processing of your personal data.

8. Transfer to third parties

Certain personal data collected by us will be transmitted to and possibly processed by third-party service providers, such as our IT supplier, bookkeeper, auditor, as well as by public authorities (e.g., in the case of the 30bis declaration of works, electronic attendance recording or competition for public contracts).

It is possible that one or more of the above third parties may be located outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).
However, personal data will only be transferred to third countries with an adequate level of protection.

The employees, managers and/or representatives of the aforementioned service providers or institutions and the specialized service providers appointed by them must respect the confidential nature of your personal data and can only use these data for the purposes in the context of which they were provided.

If necessary, your personal data may be passed on to other third parties.
This may be the case, for example, if we were to be reorganized in whole or in part, if our business were to be transferred or if we were to be declared bankrupt.
It is also possible that personal data may have to be transmitted pursuant to a court order or in order to comply with a particular legal obligation.
In such a case, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of such communication to other third parties.
However, you will recognize and understand that in certain circumstances this may not always be technically or commercially feasible or legal restrictions may apply.

Under no circumstances will we sell or make your personal data commercially available to direct marketing agencies or similar service providers, except with your prior consent.

9. Technical and organizational measures

We take the necessary technical and organizational measures to process your personal data according to an adequate level of security and protect it from destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorized access or notification by mistake to third parties, as well as any other unauthorized processing of this data.

Under no circumstances can the organization be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an erroneous or unlawful use by a third party of the personal data.

10. Third party access

For the purpose of processing your personal data, we provide access to your personal data to our employees, associates and appointees.
We guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual obligations opposable to these employees, associates and appointees, which are similar to this Data Protection Notice.

11. Any questions?

If, after reading this Data Protection Notice, you have further questions or comments regarding the collection and processing of your personal data, please contact SOLTECH.


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LAW Your access to, visit or use of the Website and these Terms of Use are governed by applicable law.
In case of a dispute, only the courts of the Company’s registered office have jurisdiction.
If the dispute relates to the operating company in another country, the law is the registered office of that operating company.