integrated photovoltaics

We turn everything into a solar panel

Integrated solar cells.
This is how we translate the term “Integrated Photovoltaics.
A term that gives just a small idea of the endless possibilities our technology can realize.
Our slogan ‘We can make a solar panel out of anything’ can be taken quite literally.
Although we often laughingly add that a banana is not one of the possibilities, rounded and flexible surfaces are also not a thing of the future.

‘Integrated PhotoVoltaics’ we abbreviate to IPV.
We laminate solar cells onto “carriers.
Want to know more about the technical side?
Then you can go here.

Four times IPV

Four types of IPV, off-grid or grid connected and at the base our R&D engineers who take the sky as the limit for both customization and innovation.

BIPV - Building Integrated Photovoltaics


Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics

VIPV - Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaics


Vehicle Integrated PhotoVoltaics

IIPV_Infrastructure integrated photovoltaics


Infra-structure Integrated PhotoVoltaics

PIPV_Product integrated photovoltaics


Product Integrated PhotoVoltaics


Grid connected


SOLTECH l BIPV in BOLD Amsterdam l Architect OZ


Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics

  • Building-integrated solar cells make any building active. Generated energy can be used directly in the building.
  • The building envelope becomes an investment with a payback period rather than a cost.
  • Direct use of aesthetic solar panels.
    No underlying siding or roofing required.
  • Yields between 50% and 100% over traditional solar panels.
  • Equipped with all certifications for fire safety, warranty and liability.
SOLTECH l BIPV in BOLD Amsterdam l Architect OZ


Vehicle Integrated PhotoVoltaics

  • Solar cells integrated into flat parts of vehicles.
  • PV modules extend the range of the battery.
  • Design adapted to the components of the vehicle.
  • Co-creation with the manufacturer.
  • Tailored to aesthetic requirements.
SOLTECH l BIPV in BOLD Amsterdam l Architect OZ


Infrastructure Integrated PhotoVoltaics

  • Solar cells integrated into infrastructure-related structures.
  • Desired roughness due to different surface treatments.
  • Weatherproof and rugged to withstand the elements.
  • Strive for modularity for smooth placement.
SOLTECH l BIPV in BOLD Amsterdam l Architect OZ


Product Integrated PhotoVoltaics

  • Make your product function off-grid.
  • Direct power generation.
  • Develop standardized components for all kinds of applications.
  • Plug&Play to apply.

Your Project Charged with Energy

Whatever your project, Soltech puts it full of energy.
Stand alone or connected to the grid.
With "a touch of SOLTECH," your project too will be a sustainable reference of its kind in no time.

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These projects got a touch of SOLTECH

Raf Van Hulle’s solar bike

Raf Van Hulle’s solar bike

In 2018, Raf won with his solar bike Sun Trip, an international race for solar bikes from Lyon to China.
In 2021, the eco-adventurer will come out with a new, improved model.
A wind barrel with solar cells provides less resistance and additional solar energy.
A clever piece of R&D with unseen potential.

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