R&D is Part of our DNA

In addition to engineering and the manufacturing of customised modules, research and development is an important core activity of SOLTECH. The dedication to research, a strong focus on the continuous development of new products and the improvement of existing products guarantees our clients state-of-the-art technology. We pride ourselves on our people. For many years they have been the innovative heart of our company.

Engineering and Optimisation of Standard Modules

Soltech develops, optimises and produces standard modules that can be implemented in the most diverse applications on a plug and play basis. We provide tried and tested products that can be integrated into your project in a short space of time.

Engineering and Implementation of Custom Modules

We deliver customisation where both development and production are done in-house. Soltech is able to remain competitive in a niche market of bespoke PV-panels with significant added value. Requirements and preferences are converted into a high-quality and reliable component for your product.

Functional R&D to Implement Laboratory Research

The research activities focus on testing of any new materials considered for use in photovoltaic panels, the interconnection and lamination of solar cells with all kinds of materials in function of the requested application. We cooperate with research institutes, including IMEC, UHasselt, KULeuven and with innovative industrial partners.

Rolling Solar

Public road infrastructure with a touch of SOLTECH : solar electricity generation in public road infrastructure


Heat Management in the built environment by Heat Blocking Films in Solar Panels.


Demonstrating automated production and integration of customized PV modules in long-stretched infrastructure


High-tech systems and materials for sunlight-driven sustainable processes that contribute to a climate-neutral industry.

Production in Belgium

SOLTECH runs a very flexible production line that allows for a mix of R&D, product development, prototyping and dedicated manufacturing. In addition to R&D and early stage prototyping, SOLTECH has gained recognition across Europe as the partner of choice for the upscaling and early phase production of innovative photovoltaic module technologies.


SOLTECH l Fabriek bovenaanzicht

Your Project Charged with Energy

Whatever your project, Soltech will charge it with energy. Stand alone or connected to the grid. With ‘a touch of Soltech’ your project swiftly becomes a sustainable reference in its field.