

The proof of the concept is in the pudding

UHasselt, imec and Soltech aim to position themselves as a leading European player in the development of the next generation of integrated photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules.
This new technology is based on thin film and tandem solar cells.

SOLTECH l Building Genk l Building Materials With A Plus l small

The IN2PV project is pursuing two main objectives:

1. Demonstration Space for Integrated PV (IPV):
UHasselt and Soltech will set up a demonstration space at the Thor site in Genk, including an open test field and facilities around the new Soltech building.
Here, existing and new PV technologies will be tested and validated in various structures such as canopies, vertical walls, AGRI-PV setups, and BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) demos on facades and shade elements.
Companies are invited to design and realize these demonstrators in co-creation, with IN2PV partners offering their services at market-based rates.
This promotes an open innovation platform for the entire value chain.


2. Increasing Production Capacity:
Investments in a flashing and sputtering plant will increase the production capacity of perovskite and CIGS thin-film solar cells.
These processes have already been successfully tested at lab scale at EnergyVille.
With the new investments, larger modules can be produced, which is important for real-life demonstrators and industrial applications.
The project focuses on automating and scaling up these processes to ensure reliability and efficiency.


The IN2PV project provides key infrastructure accessible to EnergyVille and the open Thor Living Lab, enabling further collaboration with industry.
This project will help refine specifications, validate technologies, and expand the PV product portfolio and know-how, and attract more energy companies to Thor Park to collaborate on the IPV products of the future.

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