Three years and 12 million euros later there is an energy-neutral automated factory that can make not only solar panels but also media facades

The SOLTECH circle is round

In the summer of 2021, Bas van de Kreeke announced his intention to put his shoulders under SOLTECH.
An R&D company, spin-off of IMEC, from Tienen that ran into trouble because it could not make the step to competitive production.
Van de Kreeke convinced five investors to join him on a course that today reaches its climax.

Soltech can make a solar panel out of anything.
We could already do that in Tienen. But now we can do that in a fully automated energy-neutral factory at Thor Park in Genk. It took three years to develop both the production process and the customized machines.
Together with IPTE, Ecoprogetti and knowledge institutions from Energyville, the R&D engineers developed high-tech machines that together form a production line that is unique in the world.
“Finally we can say that all the puzzle pieces are falling into place,” says Stefan Dewallef, SOLTECH’s R&D manager for more than 30 years.
“The machines are on point, the entire process is digitized from A to Z and we have the right people in the right place. Three years on, we can say that we have come full circle.”

SOLTECH l Board of directors came and saw that it was good

With three industrial and three financial shareholders, SOLTECH is in good hands.
Their confidence and patience in SOLTECH’s long-term vision provides a pleasant business environment.

Growing hurt

SOLTECH was growing fast.
We went from 7 to 35 (and at times even more) employees in three years, and the size of the projects grew just as fast.
“With us, it’s the opposite world. Last year 30% of our products went to Asia. This year we are doing the same in America. And the projects are getting bigger and bigger,” said van de Kreeke.

But building the new plant and developing machinery took longer than expected so we worked two shifts for a year to still be able to deliver to customers on time.
“Working two shifts, the construction of the factory and the new machines demanded a lot from our people. Sometimes we were really running on our gums. We were doing a sprint … that was as long as a marathon. Finally, we got to the finish line. I am incredibly proud of our team,” Bas said.
The shareholders also had to be patient.
Fortunately, they never lost faith in the long-term vision envisioned in the 2020 business plan.

Building materials with a plus

SOLTECH can make a solar panel out of anything. That was the slogan for three years.
In the meantime, the product range has broadened.
After all, Soltech took over the brand name and patents of GLASSILED from AGC.
“At GLASSILED, we integrate LEDs into building modules. This can be done both in transparent window glass and in non-transparent building elements.” explains Wim Hoste, COO. “Apparently, integrating LEDs is very similar to integrating solar cells. So the knowledge was available. In addition, the production process can be done partly over the same production line.”

SOLTECH l Board of directors came and saw that it was good

Building a solar panel factory, setting up a high-tech production line, digitizing, assembling a team, media facades in the portfolio, taking over a competitor and producing in the meantime….
Had you told me like this three years ago, I don’t know if I would have started .

Bas van de Kreeke, CEO of SOLTECH

In between takeovers

And as if that were not enough, SOLTECH decided in March to take over bankrupt ISSOL.
The Liège-based competitor ran into problems at the beginning of the year.
Van de Kreeke: “The bankruptcy of ISSOL came just when we needed to reposition ourselves through the acquisition of GLASSILED.
After all, we now have two business units that – although both are building materials – require a very different approach and target group.
ISSOL will become our house brand for everything related to integrated PV, while GLASSILED is the same for integrated LED solutions.


And now?

“And now we’re going to pop!” said Bas.
“Our people can start focusing on business development and our products are coming off the line smoothly. Now is the time to come out from under the steeple even more and let the world know the SOLTECH is all set.”


More news with a touch of SOLTECH

Off-grid view of the works

Off-grid view of the works

The first two panels are in place … and are also already providing directly applicable energy.
The panels charge a battery that in turn provides electricity to the webcam.
A small example of what we can do … and a foretaste of what is to come.

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Exclusive visit to the AGC Innovation Centre

Exclusive visit to the AGC Innovation Centre

On November 25, SOLTECH and a limited delegation, visited the Innovation Center of AGC Glass Europe. We were immersed in the latest innovations with glass and, in addition to tons of information, we got a lot of inspiration to take home.

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Your project full of energy

Whatever your project, Soltech puts energy into it.
Stand alone or building integrated.
With “a touch of SOLTECH,” your project too will be a sustainable reference of its kind in no time.