SOLTECHteam achieves ISO 9001:2015 with flying colors

We are writing March 26, 2024.

The day our Bas first saw the light of day will from now on be a double holiday for SOLTECH. March 26 will go into the books as the day we passed our ISO 9001:2015!

Just under three years after the launch of SOLTECH 2.0.
What an accomplishment!

The move has barely (or just barely 😉 ) digested and our team was already enduring the next challenge.
And how well they did!
With flying colors, the various people in charge hopped across the “grid” of the ISO audit.

The auditor could not help but nod approvingly.

What great people we have in our house!
What an incredible top team ❤

A big thank you to Ludo Mullenders and José Mullenders of Buro QM for guiding us so nicely.

ISO 9001 BABY! 🤘


We are happy and proud that from now on, in addition to the confidence in our certified products, we can also back up the confidence in our production and our procedures.



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Off-grid view of the works

The first two panels are in place … and are also already providing directly applicable energy.
The panels charge a battery that in turn provides electricity to the webcam.
A small example of what we can do … and a foretaste of what is to come.

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Your project full of energy

Whatever your project, Soltech puts energy into it.
Stand alone or building integrated.
With “a touch of SOLTECH,” your project too will be a sustainable reference of its kind in no time.