Construction of first SME building at Thor Park in Genk starts

Soltech invests 10 million in brand new building for production of aesthetic solar panels.

GENK- This afternoon CEO Bas van de Kreeke presented the future plans of Soltech at the Thor Park in Genk.
10 million euros will be allocated for the realization of a new production area with a floor space of 4,000m² and offices with a floor space of 1,000m².
Half of the investment, some 5 million, will go toward construction of new machinery.
The move of production from their current location in Tienen to Genk is scheduled for mid-2023, in order to realize their growth ambitions.
In the presence of Mayor Wim Dries, construction company Mathieu Gijbels and Mamu architects, the first solar panel was placed, the symbolic starting shot of the construction works.

A preview of what Soltech’s new building will look like.
By design of MaMu architects.
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10 million euros for the future

The European Green Deal is clear, by 2050, the EU should have zero net greenhouse gas emissions.
With that comes an era of increased focus on cleaner energy and breakthrough technological innovations in that area.

‘Turn anything into a solar panel’.
That is Soltech’s slogan.
And they mean it literally.
Since 1989 the company has focused on integrating solar cells on just about any support: from facade panels, roof tiles, parts of cars or trucks to bicycle paths… Each application can be performed off grid or grid connected.
The possibilities are endless.

The investment in a state-of-the-art factory and offices allows Soltech to focus on the ever-increasing demand for these innovations.
Soltech wants to become the supplier in Europe and beyond or area of product development, prototyping of innovative photovoltaic module technologies.
To this end, the company is investing 10 million euros in a brand new building, of which 5 million will go to the machinery.

Managing director Bas van de Kreeke makes no bones about the firm’s ambitious plans: “Soltech’s mission is very clear: We want to give energy to things. To the future. Any surface that receives sunlight can generate energy. And while innovation is one of our important pillars, the use of the technology has long since ceased to be innovative. It makes both economic and technical sense. With the construction of our new plant, we will be able to present an even more interesting case price-wise.”

From left to right, from Tienen to Genk

The investment program includes expansion and optimization of production capacity by building a 4,000m² production hall with state-of-the-art machinery, construction of a modern office building with 3 floors of approximately 325m² each.
All nicely integrated into the environment.
The new company building will immediately become a showroom for Soltech’s products.
There will be integrated solar panels in the facade of the building, solar panels on canopies and balustrades and, of course, on the roofs.
The new site also provides additional employment, because in addition to the 15 employees who are moving from Tienen to Genk, 10 new colleagues will be employed.
The new machines and the larger space together provide an increase in production capacity of no less than 400%.

Soltech is also the very first private company to build on Thor Park.
Mayor Dries: “We are extremely excited to welcome to Genk a company that will help shape the future of our society. Soltech will certainly have a pull effect on other companies eager to establish themselves in the sustainable and innovative environment of Thor Park.”

Unburdening collaboration

The design of the new offices and production hall is by Mamu architects from Hasselt.
For the execution, Soltech is counting on the expertise of construction company Mathieu Gijbels.
“We are proud to have the confidence of Soltech, another resounding name within the construction sector whose building dreams we can make come true” says Griet Keersmaekers Development Manager at Mathieu Gijbels.
“Today the first solar panel is being installed, this panel we connected to a camera, where we can closely follow the works live. With this we gave the official starting shot of the works. Energy neutral, as it should be for a project like this.”

In May, the production hall will be finished and the first panels will roll off the belt.
In the spring of 2023, the construction works will be completely finished and the entire company can begin the move from Tienen to Genk.

SOLTECH SA is a Belgian company with manufacturing facilities located in Tienen.
Created in 1989 as a spin-off from imec, it was a pioneer in the field of solar panels or photovoltaics (PV).
By 1989, they were already designing stand-alone photovoltaic systems.
20 years ago they reached a milestone with the construction of the first photovoltaic roof connected to the electricity grid in Belgium.
Their focus is on innovation.
This allows them to produce custom solar panels and panels with greater added value.
SOLTECH makes custom photovoltaic modules for specific architectural applications – such as roof tiles, awnings, window glass or noise barriers – as well as modules that had their application in Vehicle Integrated photovoltaics (VIPV), Infrastructure Integrated photovoltaics (IIPV) and Product Integrated Photovoltaics (PIPV).

Thor Park in Genk, accounting for 93 hectares, is a global redevelopment project on the former Waterschei (Genk) mining site.
Thor Park is a business, technology, training and science park with the ambition of becoming the center of competence in three areas: energy transition, smart manufacturing and smart city applications.
The park unites EnergyVille 1 & 2, IncubaThor, FacThory, T2 campus and Thor Central.
Thor Park brings together specialized infrastructure, knowledge, partners and network in one location, thus bridging the gap between ideas and valorization.
Moreover, Thor Park is a “Living Lab,” where research institutions such as EnergyVille and industrial partners can experiment with new technologies in real-life conditions.
Thor Park is shaping the smart world of today and tomorrow.
Thor Park is an initiative of LRM, Stad Genk and KU Leuven.

Nv Mathieu Gijbels is a “forward thinking” construction company from Oudsbergen (Opglabbeek) specializing in commercial and office construction.
Mathieu Gijbels has a solution for every building need.
From new construction, renovation to service and maintenance.
In 2021, with some 320 employees, the company realized a turnover of 85 million euros.
The headquarters of Mathieu Gijbels is located in Oudsbergen (Opglabbeek).
In addition, the company has an office in Deinze for East and West Flanders.

Contact details for additional information

Bas van de Kreeke, CEO | 0496 80 21 16

Mathieu Gijbels
Dave Beuten, Managing Director | +32 89 810 388

Mathieu Gijbels project development guidance (POB
Griet Keersmaekers, Development Manager | +324 95 59 52 12

More news about the new building

Off-grid view of the works

Off-grid view of the works

The first two panels are in place … and are also already providing directly applicable energy.
The panels charge a battery that in turn provides electricity to the webcam.
A small example of what we can do … and a foretaste of what is to come.

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Your project full of energy

Whatever your project, Soltech puts energy into it.
Stand alone or building integrated.
With “a touch of SOLTECH,” your project too will be a sustainable reference of its kind in no time.